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Wondershare Filmora 7.1 Full Version

Wondershare Filmora 7.1 Full Version

Fitur Wondershare Filmora 7.1 Full Version
  • A sophisticated and user-friendly design that you are happy to use
  • Let you simply turn your home video into something incredible with little work
  • Now you can create beautiful animated messages from our text & titles library
  • Add your favorite music dircectly into your movie to create the perfect atmosphere.
  • Transform a movie into something spectacular with our handcrafted, overlays and filters.
  • Take your video to the next level by adding impressive Still and Motion Graphics.
  • Wondershare Filmora allows you to turn your home video into something extraordinary with minimal effort.
  • Expand Your Imagination with Over a Hundred Unique Visual Effects.
  • Turn your home video into something extraordinary with minimal effort.
  • Place multiple videos in the same frame! Layer many movies into one frame to tell different angles of one story.
  • Control the pace of your clips, to create a beautifully sped up time-lapse or stunning slow-motion effect.
  • Showcase your creativity with your family, friends and the rest of the world!
  • You can easily publish your masterpiece in so many ways.
Download :
Panduan Instalasi :
  1. Matikan terlebih dahulu koneksi Internet dan Antivirus.
  2. Instal Wondershare Filmora 7.1 hingga selesai dan tutup Wondershare Filmora jika sedang dijalankan.
  3. Run As Admin file block_host.exe yang ada di folder Crack.
  4. Jalankan Keygen.exe dengan mode run as admin klik Generated. Salin Serial Number yang telah di generated menggunakan keygen tadi.
  5. Kemudian Jalankan Wondershare Filmora yang telah diinstal.
  6. Klik menu Help – Register. Masukkan email kamu dan serial number yang telah di generated tadi.
  7. Agar lebih aman dan terhindar dari Blacklist pihak Filmora, sobat bisa block firewall Filmoranya. (Baca disini: Firewall App Blocker )
  8. Enjoy and Happy Editing!
Video Panduan Instalasi : 
Notes: Jangan lupa like, share, comment, dan subscribe yaaa. siapa tau teman kamu juga butuh :)
Jika ada masalah, hubungi saya di :
  • Facebook: Fajri Alhadi
  • Line@: @ydp1699p (Pakai @ – Fast Respond
Semoga Bermanfaat :)
Regards, Admin – Fajri Alhadi
Deka Firhansyah, S.I.P.
Deka Firhansyah, S.I.P. Saya saudara kembar dari Deki Firmansyah, S.E. Seorang pelajar yang masih ingin terus belajar. Biasa di panggil Dek, meski saya lebih suka dipanggil DK atau cukup K. Kami Blogger asal Kota Pangkalan Balai, Kecamatan Banyuasin III, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan kelahiran Selasa, 29 Maret 1994. Senang berbagi informasi sejak kenal internet dan Facebook kemudian mengantarkan saya mengenal blog. Rutin menulis apa saja yang ingin saya tulis termasuk curhat di blog sejak tahun 2016. Selengkapnya kunjungi halaman about.

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